we are updating our website!

Pardon our dust… the Co / Lab Website is currently in the process of an update. Check back in on 7/17/24 to see what we have been up to!


Our studios and seminars use techniques of mapping—analyzing and making meaning of raw data—as a comparative analytic tool and as a way to uncover hidden meanings between data and reality.


We use critical cartography and participatory mapping to engage communities in dialogue and discourse about the past, present and future of the build environment. 


We use mapping and visualization to uncover and examine invisible systems that are driving social, political, economic and infrastructural development


Through writing we discuss the many ways that mapping and visualization enhance critical research, while also acting as rhetorical devices that shape the way that we understand and act upon it. 

About Co/Lab

Tania Allen is Associate Professor  and Director of Graduate Programs in Media Arts, Design and Technology in the College of Design at North Carolina State University. She has a BA in History, and a Master of Graphic Design. Her work focuses on the persuasive properties of mapping and data visualization, with specific focus on how it acts as both a catalyst for, and agent working against, equity and access.

Sara Queen is an Associate Professor at the School of Architecture. She is the director of the First Year Experience in the College of Design. Sara’s ongoing research investigates infrastructural networks through mapping methodologies with the goal of facilitating deeper, more diverse understandings of urban systems and the processes which shape physical place, cultural space and social territory.