Get Involved

For an annual donation, become an Anchor Partner, Industry Partner, or Alliance Supporter. These tiers offer opportunities for engagement and support at a variety of levels including an annual convening to discuss trends and needs seen in practice; provide input on new research directions; have the opportunity to provide research cases of buildings and products; and participate as partners in dissemination as appropriate. A mid-year report will be circulated to all partner levels with key updates. These annual memberships will provide recurring funding for baseline operational activities.

  • Alliance Anchor Partner: $25,000/year
    [3 year commitment]
    • Provide input on research and work directives for the Alliance 
    • Participate in annual convening 
    • Receive mid-year report 
    • Opportunities to participate across Alliance events, presentations, and engagements 
    • Recognition across Alliance events, presentations, and engagements 
    • Eligible for 20 hours of Inclusive Design guidance per year 
  • Alliance Industry Partner: $10,000/year
    • Participate in annual convening 
    • Receive mid-year report 
    • Recognition across Alliance events, presentations, and engagements
    • Eligible for 10 hours of Inclusive Design guidance per year 
  • Alliance Supporter: $5,000/year
    • Receive mid-year report 
    • Recognition across Alliance events, presentations, and engagements 

Expert Advisors will be individuals representing a range of disciplines who can provide input on specific emerging areas of Inclusive Design, such as design for neurodiversity, aging, DeafSpace, LGBTQIA+ inclusion, and social justice, among other areas of expertise. Ideally, Expert Advisors will receive an annual honorarium. If interested, please reach out using the Contact form below.

Contact Us 

Brooks Hall
College of Design | NC State University

50 Pullen Road
Raleigh, NC 27605
